Tuesday, 18 February 2014

About Arjan

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog
I decided to set up this blog because I always get asked questions about my son (Arjan) , his special needs, what equipment he needs and how life is in general for us as a family. These questions were coming from people that didn't know anyone with special needs or from parents who did. Even a few medical professional couraged me to set this up as I was always informing them of new things that I discovered 

So let me tell you a little about Arjan.
Well yesterday (28th feb) was his 3rd birthday!! Yay!!! 
It's abit of a strange day for both myself and my husband as we can never forget how we nearly lost him :( 

Firstly (before I get into what happened) I'll just let you know what his Special Needs are. He has CP (cerebral palsy) with quadriplegia / cortical visual impairment and severe global delayed development

What happened 

I can't go into a lot of detail but Arjan became seriously ill whilst in hospital and was rushed to NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) 18hrs after he was born. After a few hours of him being there we were told that he was too poor to survive. We were told to prepare ourselves to say goodbye. 

Honestly-I can even put into words how we felt and what was going through our minds. We were told he would pass away in the next 2hrs. Those were the most painful 2hrs ever. But our little fighter wasn't prepared to give up . He stayed strong!! After 7weeks he was discharged -however this is were everything really started. 

Whilst we were in intensive care we were told that Arjan suffered a significant amount of brain damage and that he will have some issues. We were told just to keep an eye out for anything that we viewed as a concern

Cutting this very long story short . I watched Arjan like hawk and picked on some issues that enabled us to get an early diagnostics by the time he was 1

So there you have it!!! 

I'm going to be sharing ideas, stories, trials and tribulations with you all in hope that something might help someone. 

As I do have my hands full I'll be posting once a week (minimum)

If you know anyone who will be interested in this blog then please do share it 
Until next time folks- I'll see you soon xxx

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