Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Cheap and cheerful sensory tools - dish washing brushes

Now as we all know sensory toys and equipment can become very very expensive , so what we decided was to update some of our Arjan's equipment by going to IKEA

We ended up buying a lot of different things but I think what I'll do is talk you through each one in different posts

Let's start off with these beauties

Yesterday I do not deceive you they are dishwashing brushes. Now you might be wondering why I bought these. Well the fact that they're hard object means that if Archer and wanted to buy Tony it won't be no danger to him. They are bright colourful and great for tactile uses. But the best thing about is the suckers at the bottom of each brush. Which means that I can actually stick them onto any surface that ARJAN may be using. For instance I can stick it on the surface of his chair or his standing frame. 

Doing this helps us to get Arjun to use his site more as well as choose objects so he's not only choosing the object because he wants it but because he wants to pick that colour as well. What I do sometimes is distracting from one side and stick one of the brushes down on the other side so when he turned around and he looks around till notice the brush and therefore wanting to go for it. This is a great game to help your child not only use their vision but to actually progress with their hand eye coordination making live reach more accurate. 

I'm so glad we actually purchased this because its now helped to identify which colours Argent don't find harder to see and at only 90p each you not exactly breaking the bank

A great tool for making choices, building hand eye coordination, sensory play, and helping any child who is tactile sensitive

A massive thumbs up from us and from ARJAN :)

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